Valley Fudge has developed a look that defines the valley location but also the product and services they have on offer.
It employs a simple, modern and colourful approach to allow for in-store attraction and a striking online presence to help customers remember the Valley Fudge brand beyond just a store visit.
We have created a visual identity which is confident in its presentation, yet engaging from a customer point of view. The identity and visual system are flexible in order to adapt to various environments whilst being considerate to common budget and delivery constraints.
Our brand represents our tradition, location and commitment to being the best we can.
Our logo is the embodiment of this thinking and therefore should always be shown in a clear and respectful manner.
Our logo should never be distorted, recoloured or broken apart.
Our brand represents our tradition, location and commitment to being the best we can.
Our logo is the embodiment of this thinking and therefore should always be shown in a clear and respectful manner.
Our logo should never be distorted, recoloured or broken apart.
Our brand represents our tradition, location and commitment to being the best we can.
Our logo is the embodiment of this thinking and therefore should always be shown in a clear and respectful manner.
Our logo should never be distorted, recoloured or broken apart.
Our brand represents our tradition, location and commitment to being the best we can.
Our logo is the embodiment of this thinking and therefore should always be shown in a clear and respectful manner.
Our logo should never be distorted, recoloured or broken apart.
Our brand represents our tradition, location and commitment to being the best we can.
Our logo is the embodiment of this thinking and therefore should always be shown in a clear and respectful manner.
Our logo should never be distorted, recoloured or broken apart.
Maintaining the minimum clear space is vital keeping our brand logo clear and visable across all communications printed or within a digital landscape.
The minimum clear space is driven from our symbol and should never be altered or reconfigured
Maintaining the minimum clear space is vital keeping our brand logo clear and visable across all communications printed or within a digital landscape.
The minimum clear space is driven from our symbol and should never be altered or reconfigured
Valley Pink
RGB 255-189-250
CMYK 0-26-2-0
Valley Purple
RGB 62-8-148
CMYK 58-95-0-42
Valley Peppermint
RGB 86-225-226
CMYK 62-0-0-11
Valley Hot Pink
RGB 226-55-202
CMYK 19-82-0-0
Valley Violet
RGB 94-71-150
CMYK 71-88-0-0
RGB 255-255-255
RGB 0-0-0
CMYK 50-50-50-100
Mid Grey
PMS 0000 C
RGB 00-00-00
CMYK 00-00-00-00
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Eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in. Aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget. Volutpat est velit egestas dui. Consequat mauris nunc congue nisi vitae suscipit. Eu scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo.
Our brand look has been developed with our community in mind. One that reflects our vision and commitment to them and how we want engage.
A modern simple yet confident approach is what we aspire to achieve in all our communications.
Designed with flexibility and structure to comfortably convert from printed documents to engaging fresh digital communications.
The examples shown below demonstrate this flexibility and how brand look can adapt to our audience so we are always communicating with maximum effect.
If you have any questions or seek clarification on developing collateral please speak to the brand creators via the contact form below.
Issue of these guidelines, or any part thereof, is for the purpose of informing recipients of graphic standards and does not constitute an authorisation to reproduce any of the marks and elements it relates to.
All applications of this Logo and/or any other Logos or graphics provided with these guidelines must be submitted for approval to the Brand Team prior to release or production.
Only authorised parties may use the graphics in these guidelines. Usage rights will vary between organisations. Please refer to your contract, or contact your Account Manager, to confirm your usage rights.
Access and usage rights to intellectual property and graphics provided in these guidelines are subject to change. Please check that all imagery is approved for final use and all agreements are in place.